Monday, March 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom !

Today my Mom is 70 years old. Happy Birthday Marmee ! She is Granny Pat, she loves movies, she calls and will ask if any of my kids want to go to the movies, she does this often.
She quilts, she goes on quilting retreats.
She is a beautiful Catholic, it is part of her, she has a gift for giving St. Gerard Metals, if someone is trying to get pregnant. He is the patron St. of expecting Mothers.
She says her rosary.
She goes on silent retreats.
She is the Mother of 7, I am 2nd oldest.
She loves to drive.
She loves to read.
She is where I got my art.
I Love talking to her.
I love just sitting at her house and watching a movie and talking.
I love going on road trips with her.
I LOVE this Wonderful Lady !!!!

I have alot of March people in my life. My Mom, my big sister and a great deal of my closest friends are all Pieces those lovely March people. I am a September girl, a Virgo. And one day I said" I need to meet a March man. I get along so well with these people born in March !" and what do you know, I met Philip, born March 19. We were married within a year of meeting each other.

So, welcome March ! Inter like a lion . With your windy days and you signs of Spring. Welcome, you beautiful March people, the new and the old ! amy

1 comment: said...

You are very lucky to have such a wonderful mom, and she is very luck to have a child who loves her so much! Happy birthday mom!