Sunday, December 23, 2007

My Storybook Portraits

It is my hope that these little pen and inks, with watercolors will be something that I will get to do more of. I call them" Storybook Portraits", the ideal is to do a portrait of your child in a storybook setting. They can be fairy's dressed in magical clothes or perhaps they can be having a pleasant time having tea with a bunny. Anything is possible! And I love doing them, I think they would look lovely, in a pretty frame in a childes room. I have even done them for grown up children and Mom found a photo she loved of them when they were little, one such portrait was given as a Graduation gift to a son. Amy xxxxxxx oh when will I learn to post pictures and writing in the correct order?

Guess its time to call on the help of my children!


closed account said...

lovely little paintings Amy, so nice of you to letus all see them, will pop back soon.
Hope you got all your Xmas food shopping done at yours sons work? and hope you had a lovely Xmas, Kath

closed account said...

Hi Agin amy, thanks for popping over again to leave a comment, hope you have a lovely New Year, and find all your dreams come true, you are very talented, love your little painting sory books, keep going with them...
regards Kath x