Friday, January 1, 2010


~Wow, it is 2o10 !~
~I am eating my black-eyed peas & turnip greens, as I write this.~I am lucky because, I really do enjoy both. I woke this morning & remembered to say "Rabbit, Rabbit", even before I got out of bed.If you say "Rabbit, Rabbit" on the 1st. of every new month, it is supposed to bring you luck for that month.~So, peas, greens & Rabbit~ that should do it ~right ?~
~I come by superstitions honestly, being 1st. generation Scotch*Irish !~But, rest assure that I am not putting the future in the luck of rabbits or peas.~ No, no~ working hard at what I love & praying that our Lord will bless my work.~Much better, yes ?~And, I feel this is going to be a very good year !~

~So, eat your peas & greens, then take some time to ask that the coming year will be "WOnderuSe"!~(i made up that word)